January 19, 2024

What is Cold Email? And how to do it in 2024?

b2b lead gen agency

Navigating B2B lead generation can be a real challenge, especially for small enterprises or sales teams finding their footing in the market. 

Limited resources and a tight budget often restrict access to big-name marketing strategies from larger competitors. In the midst of this struggle, cold emailing emerges as a promising and cost-effective solution. The big question, though, is whether it truly works.

The challenge arises when your team invests time and effort in cold emails without seeing the desired results. This can be frustrating and divert resources that could be better utilized elsewhere. 

On the other side, considering that over 4 billion people use email daily, with many regularly checking their inboxes, there’s a significant opportunity. The key is knowing which doors (inboxes) to knock.

Rather than sending out countless emails to random recipients, effective cold emails are those that are well-researched, personalized, and provide value to the reader. However, the crucial aspect is how you approach that virtual knock. 

In this blog, we’ll learn about cold email, how to use it, and some essential tips and strategies for successful cold emailing.

What are Cold Emails?

Cold emails refer to unsolicited emails sent to individuals or businesses with whom the sender has no prior relationship. Unlike warm or hot leads, which involve contacts who have expressed interest in a product or service, cold emails are initiated by the sender to introduce their offerings, establish connections, or explore potential business opportunities.

Cold emailing is a common strategy used in sales and marketing to reach a wider audience and generate leads. The primary goal is to capture the attention of recipients who may have a genuine interest in the sender’s products or services. While cold emails can be effective for business outreach, it’s essential to approach them strategically to avoid being perceived as spam.

Why Should My Business Use Cold Emails?

Implementing cold email strategies can offer several benefits to your business, making it a worthwhile approach for certain situations. Here are key reasons why your business might consider incorporating cold emails into its outreach efforts:

  • Broadening Audience Reach

Cold emails allow you to reach a wide audience that may not be aware of your products or services. This outreach can help your business tap into new markets, discover potential clients, and increase overall brand visibility.

  • Lead Generation

Cold emails serve as a tool for B2B lead generation by initiating contact with individuals or businesses that might be interested in your offerings. 

A study by the Content Marketing Institute found that 31% of B2B marketers consider email newsletters as the most effective content for nurturing leads. When crafted strategically, cold emails can play a crucial role in the lead nurturing process, contributing to the overall effectiveness of your lead generation efforts.

  • Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to some traditional marketing methods, cold emailing can be a cost-effective strategy. It doesn’t require significant financial investment, making it accessible for small businesses or those with limited marketing budgets.

  • Direct Communication

Cold emails provide a direct channel of communication with potential leads. By crafting compelling and personalized messages, you can directly address the needs and interests of your target audience, potentially fostering meaningful connections.

Building trust and providing value in your messages are key to success with cold email outreach.

Is Cold Email and Email Marketing the Same?

Cold email and email marketing might sound similar, but they’re different when connecting with potential customers. The main distinction lies in the relationship between the person sending the email and the one receiving it.

Cold emailing means sending personalized emails to people you don’t know beforehand. The goal is to start a conversation and build a connection to introduce your product or service. Some well-known companies using cold emails successfully are:

  • HubSpot — They have a team dedicated to sending personalized emails to potential clients, using free trials and demos to turn them into paying customers.
  • Dropbox — They use cold emails to approach potential users, offering extra storage space through referral links. This strategy helped Dropbox grow quickly and become a top cloud storage provider.
  • Grammarly — To connect with new users, Grammarly provides free trials to businesses. Through cold emailing, they’ve been able to attract leads and expand their user base.

Unlike social media marketing, email marketing involves sending targeted emails to people who have chosen to receive them. The aim is to connect with subscribers by offering them valuable content regularly and eventually turning them into customers. Various businesses use email marketing for their sales, including:

  • Airbnb —They send personalized emails showcasing various travel destinations and experiences.
  • Kate Spade —This fashion brand sends promotional emails with discounts and limited-time offers to encourage purchases.
  • Litmus —The email marketing company regularly sends newsletters sharing insights and tips on best practices in email marketing.

Here is an example of email marketing:

Now that we have a basic understanding of them. Read on to explore in detail how cold emailing and email marketing are different from each other:

How to Start Writing Cold Emails?

Whether you’re reaching out to potential clients, partners, or employers, mastering the art of composing impactful cold emails can open doors to valuable opportunities. 

In this section, we’ll explore the effective strategies to kickstart your cold email writing journey, helping you make a lasting impression and achieve your communication goals.

  • Write the “From Line”

Your email “From” name is the first thing someone sees when they open their inbox. Since 42% of people decide whether to open an email based on the sender’s name, building trust and appearing reliable is crucial.

Here are a few tips to make your email sender name look trustworthy:

  • Associate it directly with your company or product. For instance:
    • Holly from [Company Name]
    • Kele at [Company Name]
    • [Company Name]
  • Keep the sender name short, as most devices only display up to 30 characters. Avoid longer names that might get cut off.

Consider using a generic sender name like “Sales Team” or “Customer Support,” especially if the email is from a shared or departmental mailbox. Emails with such names tend to have higher click-to-open and click-through rates from 26% to 38% higher, respectively — compared to emails with personalized sender names.

  • Sales Team from [Company Name]
  • Customer Support at [Company Name]
  • [Company Name] [Department]

By optimizing your email from the line, you can establish trust, increase open rates, and create a positive first impression. Ensure it aligns with your brand and remains consistent to build recognition and credibility with your recipients.

  • Focus on the Subject Line

There are some easy ways to create good subject lines for cold emails. Here’s how:

For example; iPhone cuts off the subject lines having more than 32 characters. Subject lines under 10 words show a better open rate. Moreover, millennials have a 2-second attention span. So, it’s important to grab their attention within this timeframe. Here are a few examples; 

  • Boost employee efficiency with our new [Solution]
  • Supercharge your business growth now
  • Exclusive offer: 1-month free trial

Try to keep your subject line relative to the overall email. And don’t forget to write the most important words in the beginning. Write the most significant and attention-grabbing information in the subject line so your recipient can see it on any device. Here are some examples;

  • Boost revenue: Meet our innovative [Sales Platform]
  • Improve productivity: Get early access to new [Tools]
  • Cut costs by 30%: Use our [Platform]

Lastly, add power and trigger words for better response. Power words are type of words that trigger an emotional response in readers. Here are some examples;

  • Take control of your sales funnel: boost growth with [tool]
  • Increase your email open rates with [platform]
  • Last day! 45% off and get free shipping.

Want more tips and examples of proven cold email subject lines? contact us for more.

  • Choose Clear Communication

In the world of cold emailing, brevity is key. Busy professionals receive numerous emails daily, and a lengthy message will likely be ignored. 

Clearly communicate your value proposition and the purpose of your email in a concise manner. Use short paragraphs and bullet points to break down information for easy readability. The goal is to make it easy for the recipient to understand why your email is relevant and what action you’re proposing.

When writing a cold email, imagine you have only a few seconds to capture the recipient’s interest. Start with a compelling subject line that sparks curiosity or addresses a pain point. In the body of the email, get straight to the point. 

Clearly state who you are, why you’re reaching out, and the value you can provide. If there’s a specific call to action, make it explicit and easy to follow. By keeping your cold emails concise, you respect the recipient’s time and increase their likelihood of engaging with your message.

  • Establish Your Credibility

Building trust is essential in cold email outreach. Before expecting the recipient to take any action, establish your credibility. Briefly highlight relevant accomplishments, notable clients, or any awards your company has received. 

Including social proof, such as testimonials or case studies, can also bolster your credibility. Be transparent about your intentions and avoid making exaggerated claims. Authenticity goes a long way in gaining the trust of your potential leads.

In the opening of your cold email, clearly state your name, position, and your association with the company you represent. If you have mutual connections or if your company has a recognizable presence in the industry, mention it early on. 

Also, consider including a link to your LinkedIn profile or other relevant professional profiles to provide additional context and build trust. Demonstrating your credibility upfront increases the likelihood that the recipient will view your email as a legitimate and valuable communication.

  • Add Clear CTAs

Every cold email should have a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA). Whether it’s scheduling a call, downloading a resource, or visiting your website, guide the recipient on the next steps you’d like them to take. 

Make your CTA specific, actionable, and easy to follow. If possible, offer a benefit or highlight the value they’ll gain by taking the suggested action.

A focused CTA should align with the overall objective of your cold email. If you’re aiming for a meeting, propose specific dates and times. If it’s a download, provide a direct link. 

Avoid overwhelming the recipient with multiple CTAs. Keep it simple and direct. 

  • Don’t Forget to Follow-Up

Effective follow-up is key to successful cold email campaigns. After sending your initial email, don’t be discouraged by a lack of response. Plan a strategic follow-up sequence that includes a series of emails spaced over time. 

Each follow-up should build upon the previous one, providing additional information, addressing concerns, or reinforcing your value proposition.

In your follow-up emails, reference your previous messages and express genuine interest in connecting or assisting the recipient. Avoid being too pushy, and instead, focus on nurturing the relationship. 

Use follow-ups as an opportunity to showcase additional insights, case studies, or success stories that reinforce the benefits of your product or service. A well-thought-out follow-up strategy increases your chances of re-engaging recipients who may have overlooked your cold email initially.

Transform Your Outreach Strategy with 8leads.io

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, mastering the art of cold email in 2024 is a game-changer for professionals and businesses alike.

For further assistance in optimizing your cold email strategy and unlocking its full potential in 2024, consider partnering with 8leads.io. Our expertise in data-driven insights, advanced targeting, and personalized engagement can take your cold email campaigns to the next level. 

Embrace the power of cold emailing with 8leads.io and watch your outreach efforts yield remarkable results.